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Tracing Overview

Debug CCOs from release 1.8.000 onward support significant tracing.  The Common Control Object Debug Runtime ZIP file contains the debug versions of the CCOs, plus two helper COM objects (RCSTraceOut.exe and RCSTraceOutPS.dll).

As pre-built, the trace information is written to a file with the name yyyymmdd-OposCCO_DeviceName.log, where yyyymmdd is the current date and DeviceName is the OPOS device name.  Up to five days of trace information is retained, with days prior to the current day compressed into a ZIP file.  Each day's ZIP file is named

See the installed file OPOS_CCO_ReadMe_1_xx_xxx.txt for details on tracing and configuration, including how to specify the directory in which the trace files are placed.

If you choose to modify and/or rebuild the debug CCOs from the sources, then you will need to uncomment the line containing
    #define _FILETRACE
in the file DeviceNameImpl.h.  The rebuilt CCO will use simple file I/O for the trace information, rather than the high performance tracing in the pre-built CCOs.  Also, some trace information will not appear -- specifically that generated by the "DODUMPV" macro.

Security Implications

Warning!  The debug CCOs trace all data sent between the application and Service Object.  Therefore, they must not be used in live customer environments where sensitive information may be exposed.  For example:

  • The MSR debug CCO traces full card information including account numbers, names, and CVV.
  • The PINPad debug CCO traces the card account number, encrypted PIN, and key serial number.
  • The MICR debug CCO traces the bank transit number, checking account number, and check (serial) number.

Failure to heed this warning will violate PCI / PADSS compliance, and perhaps other industry or government rules or laws.

Sample Debug Control Object Output

The following debug traces are excerpts for POSPrinter.  They show the trace lines added to C:\20150207-OposCCO_POSPrinter.log for several APIs.  (Some line wrapping was added to format for display on this page.)

Create the CCO.
Get the properties State, ResultCode, ResultCodeExtended.

02/07 22:40:59.119 P0E1C T01E4
02/07 22:40:59.119 P0E1C T01E4  *Constructing: OPOS POSPrinter Control 1.14.001
    [Public, by CRM/MCS] [With Tracing]
02/07 22:40:59.129 P0E1C T01E4  *State [Get] -- Closed
02/07 22:40:59.129 P0E1C T01E4  *ResultCode [Get] -- Closed
02/07 22:40:59.129 P0E1C T01E4  +ResultCodeExtended [Get]
02/07 22:40:59.129 P0E1C T01E4  -ResultCodeExtended [Get]: 0 (0x0) -- Closed

Call:  Open("7167").
Get the properties ResultCode, ResultCodeExtended, State, OpenResult.

02/07 22:41:03.636 P0E1C T01E4  *Open [Function]: DeviceName <7167>
02/07 22:41:03.636 P0E1C T01E4      Opened registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\
02/07 22:41:03.636 P0E1C T01E4      DeviceName is not a LogicalName; treating
    as PhysicalName
02/07 22:41:03.636 P0E1C T01E4      Opened DeviceName subkey
02/07 22:41:03.636 P0E1C T01E4      DeviceName mapped to ProgID
02/07 22:41:03.636 P0E1C T01E4      ProgID mapped to ClassID
02/07 22:41:03.696 P0E1C T01E4      Created Service Object
02/07 22:41:03.696 P0E1C T01E4      Acquired Service Object's dispatch pointer
02/07 22:41:03.696 P0E1C T01E4  +Open-OpenService [Function]  3 parameters
02/07 22:41:03.696 P0E1C T01E4      #1: STRING; Length 10 <POSPrinter>
02/07 22:41:03.696 P0E1C T01E4      #2: STRING; Length 4 <7167>
02/07 22:41:03.696 P0E1C T01E4      #3: DISPATCH 0xFF1F58
02/07 22:41:03.716 P0E1C T01E4  *ControlObjectDescription [Get]: <OPOS POSPrinter
    Control 1.14.001 [Public, by CRM/MCS] [With Tracing]>
02/07 22:41:03.716 P0E1C T01E4  *ControlObjectVersion [Get]: 1014001
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  -Open-OpenService [Function]  RC=0 -- Closed
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4      Service Object's OpenService succeeded
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4      <Start> Service Object Properties.
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  +Open-ServiceObjectDescription [Get]
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  -Open-ServiceObjectDescription [Get]. Length 47
    <NCR 71xx Printer/MICR/CD/ChkScan Service Object>
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  +Open-DeviceDescription [Get]
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  -Open-DeviceDescription [Get]. Length 46
    <NCR 7167 Printer: Thermal Receipt, Impact Slip>
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  +Open-DeviceName [Get]
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  -Open-DeviceName [Get]. Length 16
    <NCR 7167 Printer>
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4      <End> Service Object Properties.
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  +Open-ServiceObjectVersion [Get]
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  -Open-ServiceObjectVersion [Get]: 1007000 0xF5D98)
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  -  Success (0/0)
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  +ResultCode [Get]
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  -ResultCode [Get]: 0 (0x0)
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  +ResultCodeExtended [Get]
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  -ResultCodeExtended [Get]: 3 (0x3)
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  +State [Get]
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  -State [Get]: 2 (0x2)
02/07 22:41:03.756 P0E1C T01E4  *OpenResult [Get]: 0

   This fails, as expected, because the printer has not been claimed or enabled.
Get the properties ResultCode, ResultCodeExtended.

02/07 22:41:12.278 P0E1C T01E4  +PrintNormal [Function]  2 parameters
02/07 22:41:12.278 P0E1C T01E4      #1: LONG 2 (0x2)
02/07 22:41:12.278 P0E1C T01E4      #2: STRING; Length 28 [Contains non-ASCII]
  000: 41 00 42 00 43 00 44 00 45 00 46 00 47 00 48 00    !A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.!
  010: 49 00 4a 00 4b 00 4c 00 4d 00 4e 00 4f 00 50 00    !I.J.K.L.M.N.O.P.!
  020: 51 00 52 00 53 00 54 00 55 00 56 00 57 00 58 00    !Q.R.S.T.U.V.W.X.!
  030: 59 00 5a 00 0d 00 0a 00                            !Y.Z.....!
02/07 22:41:12.288 P0E1C T01E4  -PrintNormal [Function]  RC=103
02/07 22:41:12.288 P0E1C T01E4  +ResultCode [Get]
02/07 22:41:12.288 P0E1C T01E4  -ResultCode [Get]: 103 (0x67)
02/07 22:41:12.288 P0E1C T01E4  +ResultCodeExtended [Get]
02/07 22:41:12.288 P0E1C T01E4  -ResultCodeExtended [Get]: 3 (0x3)

Call:  Close()
Get the properties ResultCode, ResultCodeExtended, State.

02/07 22:41:14.792 P0E1C T01E4  *EventPreCloseRelease
02/07 22:41:14.792 P0E1C T01E4  +Close-CloseService [Function]  0 parameters
02/07 22:41:14.792 P0E1C T01E4  -Close-CloseService [Function]  RC=0
02/07 22:41:14.802 P0E1C T01E4  *EventClose
02/07 22:41:14.802 P0E1C T01E4  *Close [Function]  RC=0
02/07 22:41:14.802 P0E1C T01E4  *ResultCode [Get] -- Closed
02/07 22:41:14.802 P0E1C T01E4  +ResultCodeExtended [Get]
02/07 22:41:14.802 P0E1C T01E4  -ResultCodeExtended [Get]: 0 (0x0) -- Closed
02/07 22:41:14.802 P0E1C T01E4  *State [Get] -- Closed

Destroy the CCO

02/07 22:41:18.467 P0E1C T01E4  *Destructing
02/07 22:41:18.477 P0E1C T01E4
Last updated: 2015-02-08


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